About Us
Who We Are
BATS is a support group for trans and non-binary people who are 18+ and living in and around the Boston area. Join us if you are looking for support in understanding your gender identity, help with coming out or transitioning, emotional support, a sense of community, a place where you belong, or just to meet relatable people. Anybody who identifies as trans (transgender, transsexual, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, bigender, pangender, intersex, etc…) or who is sincerely questioning their gender identity is welcome.
Our meetings are focused on receiving support, validation, feedback and problem solving. We emphasize group participation and mutual respect; a volunteer facilitator and co-facilitator, and individual check-ins help ensure that no one dictates the flow of conversation and everyone has a chance to express themselves.
We meet in a room with plenty of chairs, air conditioning, heating, fans, wifi, and easy access to bathrooms
When and Where
We meet weekly in Cambridge and Dorchester. We do not publish our meeting location and time online in order to protect the safety and privacy of our members. Details will be provided after you join us.
Our location in Cambridge is wheelchair accessible through an alternative entrance and has a wheelchair accessible bathroom. If you need wheelchair access please let us know when submitting the join form so we can arrange access to the alternate entrance. Our location in Dorchester is wheelchair accessible through our primary entrance.
If you have any other accommodation needs please let us know as we are working on how to implement other accessibility needs.
Join Us
If you are trans (transgender, transsexual, bigender, genderqueer, agender, nonbinary, intersex, questioning, etc.) and would like to learn more about BATS, including how to come to one of our meetings, please fill out the short form below. We will respond via email as soon as possible.
Some people have reported issues submitting the form from their phones. We are working to resolve this, but if you are having problems submitting the form from a mobile device, try using a laptop or desktop computer or send and email to contact@massbats.org.
BATS is only accepting members over the age of 18+. If you are under 18 and need support, please contact BAGLY or Boston GLASS.

Form submitted!
We will respond soon.

- Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center (“The Borum”) | 75 Kneeland Street Boston | 617-457-8140
- Fenway Community Health | 1340 Boylston Street Boston | 617-267-0900
- Fenway South End | 142 Berkeley Street Boston | 617-247-7555
- Massachusetts Health Connector (MassHealth and Subsidized Insurance Plans) | 877-623-6765
Advocacy and Support
- Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition | 617-778-0519
- Greater Boston PFLAG | 781-891-5966
- LGBT National Hotline | 888-843-4564
- VPI Mobile Prevention’s Transgender Wellness Project | 617-927-0836 x189
Crisis Prevention
- Trans Lifeline | 877-565-8860
- The Trevor Project | 866-488-7386
Boston Area Trans Support (BATS) – Cambridge, MA, USA
If you are part of an organization or need to contact Boston Area Trans Support as an organization, please email: contact@massbats.org
Website Copyright © 2014-2018 – All Rights Reserved
Batty the Bat (mascot) is a trademark of BATS and Copyright © 2015
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